Lufter Chun Wei Liu

Lufter Chun Wei Liu

Student Researcher

Columbia University

My Quantum Hut in The Shire.

The Shire once raised some valiant hearts, who seek to carry the burden and preserve their beloving world. I wish to have this courage in my future expedition to the temple of quantum science.

I obtained my MS degree in Applied Physics from Columbia University, and holding a Bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU, Taiwan).

I was the main developer of quantum control system of the “Programmable Strontium Tweezer Array” project at WillLab, Columbia University, under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Will. I developed the atom assembling system including harware and software control of sCMOS camera, AOD, AWG card, fiber optics, laser multiplexer, and rearranging algorithms. The above project can be seen in my Portfolio

Several undergraduate research experience also shape myself into a believer in neutral atom quantum computation, including working in MatterwaveLab with Prof. Pei-Chen, Kuan and AI MaterialLab with Prof. Yun-Che, Wang.

My previous research experiences involved quantum walks (Theory and Experiments), quantum machine learning, material microstructural design. Now I am working on building quantum simulators with programmable atomic tweezer arrays.

But I am passionate about conducting experiments and manipulating fancy instruments! With my background in science and engineering, it is always interesting to put theories into action.


  • Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation
  • Ultracold Atoms
  • Computer Simulating Physics


  • MS Candidate in Applied Physcis, 2023

    Columbia University in the City of New York

  • BSc in Civil Engineering, 2020

    National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)



Research Assistant

Will Lab

Sep 2021 – Present New York, NY
  • Programmable Atomic Tweezer Arrays. [Link]

Research Assistant

Matterwave Lab

Jul 2019 – Aug 2020 NCKU, Taiwan
  • Multiple Way Quantum Walk (MWQW). [Link]

  • Sensitive Measurements Through Matter Waves


Research Assistant

AI Material Lab

Feb 2019 – Jun 2020 NCKU, Taiwan



Predicting With Quantum Circuits

Implemented 4qubit‑Ry gate circuits in predicting MNIST dataset with the learning curve converged after ten iterations.

Finite State Machine Chatbot

Designed a chatbot application using finite state machines and deployed on cloud services that can access by smartphones.

Multiple Way Quantum Walk

New obervations in quantum walk.

Auxetic Networks

Adapting pruning strategy to generate auxetic material.

Material Geometry Design Using Machine Learning and Optimization

Adapting pruning strategy to generate auxetic material.

Neutral Atom Quantum Simulators

Quantum Simulators built by atomic arrays.


IBMq Qiskit Hackthon Taiwan

Implemented 4qubit‑Ry gate circuits in predicting MNIST dataset with the learning curve converged after ten iterations.

Asia Pacific Mechanics Contest for College Students




Pytorch and Tensorflow